Available now: It’s Raining Zebras
In April of 2019 I passed two big milestones by completing both my medical qigong certification (CMQ) and doctorate of acupuncture and integrative medicine (DAIM). In May of 2019 I then published my doctoral thesis as a small handbook to help acupuncturists and other health professionals better recognize and treat individuals with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), a vastly under-diagnosed genetic connective tissue disorder that I have.
Becoming an author has been quite a journey, and I’m excited that I now get to release this work out into the wild so that it can start making a difference. The fact that several of my doctoral program cohort began recognizing undiagnosed patients before I could even present my thesis, simply based upon conversations we had about the condition, speaks to how much it is needed.